Lightwind kiting outwitting mother nature.

It’s always fun to outwit mother nature. I almost thought I’d be going nowhere. Light winds were the order of the day as not as much whitecaps can be seen but wrinkled waters which were around 8-10kts. So I took out the 14 meter kite and the Airush 144 Switch which proved to be effective in those conditions. I was really in a zone and every puff I could feel and translate to power the board. I tired out easily though most probably from yesterday’s ‘heated run’ but then it’s always refreshing to be gliding amongst the bobbing people on the water unmindful but smiling as you pass by.

The timing couldn’t be perfect. Beautiful skies and sunshine. My problems really gone for the duration of the GPS track. I had a wonderful conversation with the boys(kite-tenders) about life in general outside of the usual subject. It was good to make a quick dash and back from the beach. Really soul-cleansing.

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